National Scripture Tour: Year of the Word 2020

 Fine Artist and a member of the Nottingham Secular Carmelite Group, SHEILA RISTE CLEMERSON displayed her scripturally-based work at Holy Trinity Parish Centre, Newark on Saturday 22nd Februar y as part of the National Scripture Tour.   Sheila was available throughout the day to discuss her work

Sheila is a self-taught Artist but, working as a Life-Model, recognises she indirectly has received many hours of tuition and seen many examples of work.   Her work is the physical embodiment of invisible realities and much of her work is Scripturally- based.

 Sheila's early work uses mainly acrylic on canvas and on antique, salvaged wood. Her latest work is often mixed-media and some pieces tend towards installations.

 As someone in full communion with the Catholic Church, a Reader and a member of the OCDS (about to make First Promises), the Scriptures are of vital importance to her.


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