like Elijah, to the still, small voice of God in the silence of their hearts.
like Elijah, to the still, small voice of God in the silence of their hearts.
like St John of the Cross that God seeks them even more than they seek Him.
like Elijah, to the presence of the Living God in every aspect of their daily lives.
like Mary, on the Word of God, treasuring it in their hearts.
like St Teresa of Avila, with the conviction that we “have no need of wings to go in search of God but have only to find a place where we can be alone and look upon him present within”
Canon Anthony Dolan very kindly came from Bulwell to join us for Sunday lunch and then to celebrate Mass for us in the afternoon. We are planning another retreat for next year.
Do you want to pray more but feel you never have time? Are you looking for a way to grow closer to God in your everyday life?
In 2023 we hosted a full day (from 8am to 4pm) of Eucharistic exposition on 10 June in preparation for Corpus Christi; we provided resources and refreshments in the church hall with an opportunity to talk for anyone who wished to.
Currently we have 2 reading/ study groups open to all:
Our meetings include recitation of Morning or Evening Prayer, half an hour of silent prayer, study of Carmelite texts and Scripture and time for socialising and suppot.
Our Nottingham community also leads 3 Reading Groups to help people deepen their spiritual life by exploring the Carmelite Saints and their writings; meeting monthly, two in the day-time and one in the evening.
We also lead courses on prayer, days of prayer & reflection and an annual retreat that offers opportunity for individual guidance.
A reading and discussion Zoom group for those who would like to discover and grapple with some of the more philisophical Carmelite writers such as Edith Stein, organised by members of the Nottingham Community For Secular Carmelites, and anyone else who may be interested, to investigate the ‘history of ideas’, and the thinking and philosophical input which informs much of Carmelite ‘mystical theology’? This would be in a friendly, intimate, non-threatening group, assuming no previous knowledge, and also open to non-Carmelites, non-Catholics, Christians of any denomination, contemplative tradition, or, indeed, anyone, of any faith, or none.
For further details and who to contact if you are interested please see
The Nottingham Secular Carmelite Community Group (St Elizabeth of the Trinity) was canonically established in 2012 with the permission of our then Bishop, Malcolm McMahon OP. Since then, many people have been welcomed to explore Carmelite spirituality and contemplation, and to study the great saints of Carmel.
With increasing numbers and with some members travelling considerable distances to meetings, we have decided to establish a new group in Lincoln (St John of the Cross), meeting at Our Lady of Lincoln on the third Saturday of the month, 10am-4pm (by kind permission of the parish priest, Fr John St. John). The first meeting will be Saturday 16th October.
We are delighted that one of our long-term members, Sandra Buck, has taken on the responsibility of leading this group supported by Deacon James Hunter and Victor Burton. The group will also be supported by our Formation Director, Heather Ward.
Nottingham President, Martin Hopkinson, wrote to Bishop Patrick McKinney to update him on our work and to ask for his blessings and prayers, which he was pleased to give.
The Lincolnshire members will be very much missed by the Nottingham Group, but we will keep in contact, support each other, and occasionally have joint meetings. We welcome the opportunity to make Carmelite spirituality and the secular way of life more widely known and available in our Diocese.
Our Lady of Lincoln pray for us.