Nottingham Carmelite Library
Show the Formation Library. (Books in the formation library are included and marked 'F' below)
Show these categories:
Title | Author | |
A Biblical Prayer Journey to the Holy Land | James McCafffey | |
A Catholic Guide to the Bible | Fr Oscar Lukefahr C.M. | |
A Difficult Life (Leonie Martin, The Sister of St. Therese of Lisieux) | Marie Baudouin-Croix | |
A Fresh Approach to St John of the Cross (Growth Through Pain & Sexuality) | Various | |
A Guide to the Eucharist (The Paschal Sacrament) | Francis Selman | |
A History of the Teresian Carmel | Rodriguez, Otilio | F |
A Letter from Jesus Christ | John of Landsberg | |
A Life of Adoration. | Marie-Benoite Angot | |
A light on my path - praying with the psalms in the contempoary world | Durston, David | F |
A New Light for the Church, Mother Maria Conception of St. James & St. Teresa | Saint Teresa Monastery, Majorca | |
A prophetic voice in the city- Meditations on the Prophet Jeremiah | Carlo Maria Martini | |
A Retreat with St Therese. | Elizabeth Ruth Obbard | |
A Year with Mary | Elizabeth Ruth Obbard | |
Abandonment to Divine Providence | J P de Caussade S. J. | |
All Generations Will Call Me Blessed | Jim McManus C Ss R | |
An Informed Conscience. | Fr. J Hattie OMI | |
An introduction to Christian Mysticism- Initiation into the monastic tradition 3 | Thomas Merton | |
An introduction to the devout life | St Francis de Sales | |
Background to the Bible- An introduction to Scripture Study | Richard TA Murphy, O.P. | |
Behold the Beauty of the Lord - Praying with Icons | Henri Nouwen | |
Behold Your Mother, woman of faith | Nat Conference Catholic Bishops (USA) | F |
Behold, He comes- Meditations on the incarnation- Daily readings from Advent to Epiphany | Benedict Groeschel C.F.R. | |
Biblical Meditations for Lent | Caroll Stuhlmueller C. P. | |
Bread in the wilderness | Thomas Merton | |
Called to Holiness in the Church | O'Donnell, Christopher | F |
Carmelite Ascent (booklet) | Mary Clare,SLG (Mother) | F |
Christ Our Passover. | F X Durrwell | |
Clowning in Rome- Reflections on solitude, celibacy, prayer and contemplation | Henri J M Nouwen | |
Come to the Father | Aidan Nichols | |
Come to the Mountain. | Stan Parmisano | |
Companion to Veritatis Splendor. | J Tolhurst | |
Compassion | Henri J M Nouwen, Donald P McNeill, Douglas A Morrison | |
Concise Guide to Vatican 2. | E P Hahnenberg | |
Contemplative Prayer. | Thomas Merton | |
Cry the Gospel with your life | The little brothers and little sisters of Jesus | |
Did You Receive the Spirit. | Simon Tugwell O.P | |
Dives in Misericordia. | Pope John Paul II | |
Divine Government- God's Kingship in the Gospel of Mark | R T France | |
Drink of the Stream (Prayers of Carmelites) | Penny Hickey OCDS | |
Drinking from a dry well. | Thomas H Green | |
Edith Stein Discovered (A Personal Portrait) | Pat Lyne OCDS | |
Elizabeth of the Trinity, the charism of her prayer | Lafrance, Jean | F |
Encountering the Depths | Mary Clare,SLG (Mother) | F |
Face value- God in the place of encounter | Vanessa Herrick and Ivan Mann | |
Families in Christ. | Pope Benedict 16th | |
Forgotten among the Lilies | Ronald Rolheiser | |
Freedom to Rejoice | Cummins, Norbert | F |
Freedom to Rejoice (Understanding St John of the Cross) | Norbert Cummins OCD | |
Fully Human Fully Divine. | M Casey | |
Gentleness in John of the Cross | Kane, Thomas | F |
Go in Peace | Michael Hollings | |
God is Love (St. Teresa Maragret: Her Life) | Margaret Rowe | |
God is Near (The Eucharist the Heart of Life | Joseph Cardinal Ratzinger (Pope Benedict XVI) | |
God is with us | F | |
Grace and Glory | E L Mascall | |
Guidelines for Mystical Prayer | Ruth Burrows | |
Heart of Love - Therese of Lisieux | McCaffrey Eugene | F |
Heaven on Earth | St Elizabeth of the Trinity OCD | |
Hidden Riches: the Eucharist | Griffin, Eltin | F |
Holiness | Donald Nicholl | |
Holiness for All - themes from St Therese of Lisieux | Rego, Aloysius | F |
Holy Daring (The Fearless Trust of St. Therese of Lisieux) | John Udris | |
How to Understand Marriage | Jean-Pierre Bagot | |
How to Understand the Sacraments | Phillippe Beguerie & Claude Duchesneau | |
Humility | Louf, Andre | F |
Humility | Pakenham, Frank, Earl of Longford | F |
Hymns of Divine Love by St Siomeon the Theologian. | G A Maloney | |
I offer myself to your love | De Meester, Conrad | F |
Images of Jesus | Anselm Gruen | |
In Search of Therese | Patricia O'Connor | |
In search of true wisdom- visits to Eastern spiritual fathers | Sergius Bolshakoff, M Basil Pennington O. C. S. O. | |
In the house of the Lord- the journey from fear to love | Henri J M Nouwen | |
In the Presence | Joan Ridley | |
In The Presence of Our Lord (The History, Theology & Psychology of Eucharistic Devotion) | Fr. Benedict J. Groeschel, CFR & James Monti | |
In the Redeeming Christ. | F X Durrwell | |
Interior Castle Explored | Ruth Burrows | |
Interior Prayer. | A Carthusian | |
Into the Silent Land. | Martin Laird | |
Introducing Spiritual Direction | Peter Ball | |
Introduction to Catechism of Catholic Church | Ratzinger/Schonborn | |
Jesus and the four Gospels- An illustrated documentary | John Drane | |
Jesus of Nazareth | Pope Benedict XVI | |
Jesus: The image of humanity- Luke's account | Anselm Gruen | |
John of the Cross | Collings, Ross | F |
Key to the Bible- Record of Revelation | Wilfred J Harrington O.P. | |
Lectio Divina | Barry, Fr Gabriel et al | F |
Lectio Divina & the practice of Teresian Prayer | Morello, Sam | F |
Let Yourself be Loved: Elizabeth of the Trinity | Eugene McCaffrey | F |
Letters on Prayer (An Exchange on Prayer & Faith) | Mark Allen & Ruth Burrows | |
Lifesigns- Intimacy, Fecundity and Ecstasy in Christian perspective | Henri J M Nouwen | |
Living in Mystery | Ruth Burrows | |
Living The Jesus Prayer | Irma Zaleski | |
Living with God, St Teresa's concept of prayer | Alvarez, Tomas | F |
Lord, Open My Lips -on the psalms of Morning & Evening Prayer | Maher, Michael | F |
Love Bade Me Welcome | Robert Llewellyn | |
Love in the Heart of the Church (The Mission of Therese of Lisieux) | Christopher O'Donnell O. Carm | |
Love's Fugue- The finest song of all- A commentary on the Song of Songs | Mother Xavier McMonagle | |
Lover's Quest | Garcia, Maximilian Herraiz | F |
Marked for Life | Boulding, Maria | F |
Mary & the Brown Scapular | Hugh Clarke O Carm | |
Mary for Today | Hans-Urs von Balthasar | |
Mary Mother of the Lord | Karl Rahner | |
Mary the Contemplative | Joseph Chalmers O Carm | |
Mary the faithful Disciple (booklet) | McGreal, Wilfrid | F |
Mary Today (Challenging Woman, Model for Maturing Chrisitians) | M Basil Pennington OCSO | |
Mary, Icon of the Spirit, & of the Church | Durrwell, F-X | F |
Mary, Mirror of the Church | Raniero Cantalamessa | |
Mary, Mother of the Church | Schillebeecx | F |
Mary, Mother of the Lord | Rahner, Karl | F |
Meditation for Modern Men & Women | Matthew McGetrick OCD | |
Meditations on a theme. | Metropolitan Anthony | |
Molchanie | Catherine de Hueck Doherty | |
Mother of Carmel. | E Allison Peers | |
Nightingale of God | John of the Cross | F |
No Absent God | Martin D'Arcy | |
Nourished by the Word - reading the Bible contemplatively | Stinissen, Wilfrid | F |
On Living Simply - The Golden Voice of St John Chrysostom | R. van de Weyer | |
On the road to perfection- Christian Humility in modern society | George Maloney | |
One Bread One Body | Catholic Bishops Conferences | |
Our Greatest Gift- A Meditation on Dying and Caring | Henri J M Nouwen | |
Our Lady and the Church | Hugo Rahner SJ | |
Poustinia. | Catherine de Hueck Doherty | |
Prayer the work of the Spirit | Edmee, Sr, SLG | F |
Praying the Beatitudes | Oliva, Max | F |
Praying the Name of Jesus. | Wilfid Stinnesen | |
Praying the Word of God (booklet) | Dumont, Charles | F |
Promise of Future Glory (Reflections on the Mass) | Archbishop Vincent Nichols | |
Psalms | J H Eaton | |
Psalms | John Eaton | F |
Psalms & Canticles meditations& catechesis on the psalms & canticles of Morning Prayer1 | John Paul II | F |
Reading The Old Testament. | Lawrence Boadt | |
Reading with God | Foster, David | F |
Reconciliatio et Paenitentia | John Paul II | F |
Redemptoris Mater | John Paul II | F |
Reflections (booklet) | Stein, Edith | F |
Reflections on the Beatitudes | Tugwell, Simon | F |
Reflections on the Psalms | Lewis, CS | F |
Revelations of Divine Love | Mother Julian of Norwich | |
Saint From the Salt Mines | Monk Matthew | |
Saint Therese of Lisieux | Kathryn Harrison | |
School for Prayer. | Metropolitan Anthony | |
Seasons of the Heart | Matthew, Iain | F |
Seeds of Contemplation | Thomas Merton | |
Seeking Purity of Heart | Breault, Joseph | F |
Silence in Prayer & Action | Sister Edmee | F |
Silent Pilgrimage to God- The spirituality of Charles de Foucauld | A Little Brother of Jesus | |
Simplicity- the art of living | Richard Rohr | |
Spe Salvi | Pope Benedict XVI | |
Spiritual Theology | Jordan Aumann O. P. | |
Spirituality & the Desert Experience | Cummings Charles | F |
St John Cassian On Prayer | A.M.Cassiday (translator) | |
St John of the Cross for Beginners | Meninger, William | F |
St John of the Cross the saint & his teaching | Ruiz, Federico | F |
St Teresa's Manner of Prayer | Garcia, Salvador Ros | F |
Suffering | Louis Evely | |
Teach us to pray | F | |
The Art of Spiritual Reading | Casey, Michael | F |
The Ascent of Mount Sinai- A spiritual journey in search of the living God | Raniero Cantalamessa | |
The Beatitudes | Haring ,Bernard | F |
The Beatitudes | Hinnebusch, Paul | F |
The Carmelite Charism - exploring the biblical roots | McCaffrey, James | F |
The Cloud of unknowing and other works | Penguin Classics | |
The Conversion of Edith Stein | Florent Gaboriau | |
The Emmaus Mystery- Discovering evidence for the risen Christ | Carsten Peter Thiede | |
The Eucharist and our everyday life | Bernard Haring | |
The Eucharist Yesterday and Today | M. Basil Pennington | |
The Eucharist, Wine of Faith, Bread of Life | M. Basil Pennington | |
The fire and the cloud- An anthology of Catholic Spirituality | Ed. David A Fleming S. M. | |
The Fire of Divine Love | J P de Caussade S. J. | |
The Fire of Love - praying with Therese of Lisieux | McCaffrey, James | F |
The Genesee Diary- Report from a Trappist Monastery | Henri J M Nouwen | |
The gift of self | Heather Ward | |
The Good Life. | Herbert McCabe | |
The Gospel day by day through Lent | Brian Moore S.J. | |
The great themes of Scripture- New Testament | Richard Rohr and Joseph Martos | |
The great themes of Scripture- Old Testament | Richard Rohr and Joseph Martos | |
The Handmaid of the Lord | Adrienne von Speyr | |
The Hidden Manna (A Theology of the Eucharist) | James T. O'Connor | |
The Inner Experience. | Thomas Merton | |
The Ladder of Perfection | Walter Hilton | |
The Lamb's Supper | Hahn, Scott | F |
The Lamb's Supper (The Mass as Heaven on Earth) | Scott Hahn | |
The Little Way (The Spirituality of Therese of Lisieux | Bernard Bro OP | |
The Living Bread | Thomas Merton | |
The Lords Prayer | Gerald O'Collins | |
The Love that Keeps us Sane | Foley, Marc | F |
The Love that Never Ends: Key to the Catechism of the Catholic Church | J. Augustine DiNoia and others | |
The loving struggle | Fray Juan de los Angeles | |
The Making of a Doctor. | Discalced Carmelites | |
The Mass | Jean-Marie Lustiger | |
The Mother of Christ | Caryll Houselander | |
The Mystery of Christmas (booklet) | F | |
The mystery of God's word | Raniero Cantalamessa | |
The Mysticism of the Cloud of unknowing | William Johnston | |
The New Interpreters Bible - Volume 8. N.T. Articles, Matthw/Mark. | Various | |
The New Interpreters Bible -Volume 9. Luke/John | Various | |
The new Jerome Bible Handbook | The Liturgical Press | |
The new man | Thomas Merton | |
The Oxford Companion to the Bible | Bruce M Metzger and Michael D Coogan | |
The Passion of the Infant Christ | Caryll Houselander | |
The place of Christ in Liturgical Prayer | J A Jungmann | |
The Practice of the Presence of God | Brother Lawrence of the Resurrection | |
The Practice of the Presence of God | Brother Lawrence | |
The Prayer of the Church (booklet) | F | |
The Psalms; prayer book of the Bible | Bonhoeffer, Dietrich | F |
The Reed of God | Houselander, Caryll | F |
The reform of the renewal | Benedict Groeschel C. F. R. | |
The return of the Prodigal son- a meditation on fathers brothers and sons | Henri J M Nouwen | |
The Screwtape Letters | C S Lewis | |
The Shattered Lantern | Ronald Rolheiser | |
The Silent Call of Love | A Carthusian | |
The Silent Way of Love | A Carthusian | |
The Social Message of the Catholic Church | Pamphlet | |
The song of salvation; the Magnificat | Calvi, Isidro | F |
The Spiritual Genius of Saint Therese of Lisieux | Jean Guitton | |
The Trinity at Home | Duncan Basil | |
The Way of Ecstasy (Praying with Teresa of Avila) | Peter Tyler | |
The Way of Ecstasy - praying with Teresa of Avila | Tyler, Peter | F |
The way of friendship | Aelred of Rievaulx | |
The Way of Perfection | Teresa of Avila | |
The wisdom of the desert | Thomas Merton | |
The Woman at the Well. | Adrian van Kaam | |
The Word is Love (The Life & Spirituality of St. Mary Magdalene de Pazzi) | Jennifer Moorcroft | |
The wounded Healer | Henri J M Nouwen | |
This is ecumenism. | Council Document | |
This is the Day the Lord has made. | Wilfid Stinnesen | |
This is the Laity - simplification of Christifideles Laici | John Paul II | F |
Thoughts in Solitude | Thomas Merton | |
Thoughts on the Joyful Mysteries of the Rosary | Elizabeth of the Trinity | F |
Thoughts on the Our Father | F | |
Titus Brandsma, Friar Against Fascism | Leopold G Glueckert O Carm | |
To Honour Mary | Pope Paul VI | F |
To Look on Christ - exercises in faith, hope & love | Ratzinger, Joseph | F |
Towards a Civilisation of Love | Cardinal Basil Hume | |
Tuning into Grace | F | |
Two Sisters in the Spirirt, Therese of Lisieux & Elizabeth of the Trinity | Hans-Urs von Balthasar | |
Veritatis Splendor | Pope John Paul II | |
Waiting on God | Simone Well | |
Walk on the Waters (Extracts on Letters on Self-Abandonment) | Mother Marie-Therese | |
Ways of Forgiveness | John C. Edwards SJ | |
What happens at Mass | Driscoll, Jeremy | F |
What Happens at Mass | Jeremy Driscoll, OSB | |
What is the point of being a Christian? | Timothy Radcliffe O.P. | |
Where only Love can Go: A Journey into the Cloud of Unknowing. | John Kirvan | |
Where Silence is Praise | A Carthusian | |
Where the Spirit Breathes - prayer & action | Marie-Eugene (Fr) | F |
Who told you that you were naked?- freedom from judgement, guilt and fear of punishment | John Jacob Raub | |
Wind and Sea Obey Him. | Robert Faricy | |
With Empty Hands: The Message of St. Therese of Lisieux | De Meester, Conrad | F |
With us Today (On the Real Presence of Jesus Christ in the Eucharist) | John A. Hardon, SJ | |
Wonderful Exchange - an exploration of silent prayer | Ryrie, Alexander | F |
Wood of the Cradle, Wood of the Cross (The Little Way of the Infant Jesus) | Caryll Houselander | |
World Without End | A Carmelite Nun | |
Worshipping Community | Lange, Joseph & Cushing, Anthony | F |
Your Presence Is My Joy! Life And Message Of Blessed Elizabeth of The Trinity | De Meester, Conrad | F |