Nottingham Carmelite Library

Show the Formation Library.   (Books in the formation library are included and marked 'F' below)

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A Biblical Prayer Journey to the Holy Land James McCafffey
A Catholic Guide to the Bible Fr Oscar Lukefahr C.M.
A Difficult Life (Leonie Martin, The Sister of St. Therese of Lisieux) Marie Baudouin-Croix
A Fresh Approach to St John of the Cross (Growth Through Pain & Sexuality) Various
A Guide to the Eucharist (The Paschal Sacrament) Francis Selman
A History of the Teresian Carmel Rodriguez, Otilio F
A Letter from Jesus Christ John of Landsberg
A Life of Adoration. Marie-Benoite Angot
A light on my path - praying with the psalms in the contempoary world Durston, David F
A New Light for the Church, Mother Maria Conception of St. James & St. Teresa Saint Teresa Monastery, Majorca
A prophetic voice in the city- Meditations on the Prophet Jeremiah Carlo Maria Martini
A Retreat with St Therese. Elizabeth Ruth Obbard
A Year with Mary Elizabeth Ruth Obbard
Abandonment to Divine Providence J P de Caussade S. J.
All Generations Will Call Me Blessed Jim McManus C Ss R
An Informed Conscience. Fr. J Hattie OMI
An introduction to Christian Mysticism- Initiation into the monastic tradition 3 Thomas Merton
An introduction to the devout life St Francis de Sales
Background to the Bible- An introduction to Scripture Study Richard TA Murphy, O.P.
Behold the Beauty of the Lord - Praying with Icons Henri Nouwen
Behold Your Mother, woman of faith Nat Conference Catholic Bishops (USA) F
Behold, He comes- Meditations on the incarnation- Daily readings from Advent to Epiphany Benedict Groeschel C.F.R.
Biblical Meditations for Lent Caroll Stuhlmueller C. P.
Bread in the wilderness Thomas Merton
Called to Holiness in the Church O'Donnell, Christopher F
Carmelite Ascent (booklet) Mary Clare,SLG (Mother) F
Christ Our Passover. F X Durrwell
Clowning in Rome- Reflections on solitude, celibacy, prayer and contemplation Henri J M Nouwen
Come to the Father Aidan Nichols
Come to the Mountain. Stan Parmisano
Companion to Veritatis Splendor. J Tolhurst
Compassion Henri J M Nouwen, Donald P McNeill, Douglas A Morrison
Concise Guide to Vatican 2. E P Hahnenberg
Contemplative Prayer. Thomas Merton
Cry the Gospel with your life The little brothers and little sisters of Jesus
Did You Receive the Spirit. Simon Tugwell O.P
Dives in Misericordia. Pope John Paul II
Divine Government- God's Kingship in the Gospel of Mark R T France
Drink of the Stream (Prayers of Carmelites) Penny Hickey OCDS
Drinking from a dry well. Thomas H Green
Edith Stein Discovered (A Personal Portrait) Pat Lyne OCDS
Elizabeth of the Trinity, the charism of her prayer Lafrance, Jean F
Encountering the Depths Mary Clare,SLG (Mother) F
Face value- God in the place of encounter Vanessa Herrick and Ivan Mann
Families in Christ. Pope Benedict 16th
Forgotten among the Lilies Ronald Rolheiser
Freedom to Rejoice Cummins, Norbert F
Freedom to Rejoice (Understanding St John of the Cross) Norbert Cummins OCD
Fully Human Fully Divine. M Casey
Gentleness in John of the Cross Kane, Thomas F
Go in Peace Michael Hollings
God is Love (St. Teresa Maragret: Her Life) Margaret Rowe
God is Near (The Eucharist the Heart of Life Joseph Cardinal Ratzinger (Pope Benedict XVI)
God is with us F
Grace and Glory E L Mascall
Guidelines for Mystical Prayer Ruth Burrows
Heart of Love - Therese of Lisieux McCaffrey Eugene F
Heaven on Earth St Elizabeth of the Trinity OCD
Hidden Riches: the Eucharist Griffin, Eltin F
Holiness Donald Nicholl
Holiness for All - themes from St Therese of Lisieux Rego, Aloysius F
Holy Daring (The Fearless Trust of St. Therese of Lisieux) John Udris
How to Understand Marriage Jean-Pierre Bagot
How to Understand the Sacraments Phillippe Beguerie & Claude Duchesneau
Humility Louf, Andre F
Humility Pakenham, Frank, Earl of Longford F
Hymns of Divine Love  by St Siomeon the Theologian. G A Maloney
I offer myself to your love De Meester, Conrad F
Images of Jesus Anselm Gruen
In Search of Therese Patricia O'Connor
In search of true wisdom- visits to Eastern spiritual fathers Sergius Bolshakoff, M Basil Pennington O. C. S. O.
In the house of the Lord- the journey from fear to love Henri J M Nouwen
In the Presence Joan Ridley
In The Presence of Our Lord (The History, Theology & Psychology of Eucharistic Devotion) Fr. Benedict J. Groeschel, CFR & James Monti
In the Redeeming Christ. F X Durrwell
Interior Castle Explored Ruth Burrows
Interior Prayer. A Carthusian
Into the Silent Land. Martin Laird
Introducing Spiritual Direction Peter Ball
Introduction to Catechism of Catholic Church Ratzinger/Schonborn
Jesus and the four Gospels- An illustrated documentary John Drane
Jesus of Nazareth Pope Benedict XVI
Jesus: The image of humanity- Luke's account Anselm Gruen
John of the Cross Collings, Ross F
Key to the Bible- Record of Revelation Wilfred J Harrington O.P.
Lectio Divina Barry, Fr Gabriel et al F
Lectio Divina & the practice of Teresian Prayer Morello, Sam F
Let Yourself be Loved: Elizabeth of the Trinity Eugene McCaffrey F
Letters on Prayer (An Exchange on Prayer & Faith) Mark Allen & Ruth Burrows
Lifesigns- Intimacy, Fecundity and Ecstasy in Christian perspective Henri J M Nouwen
Living in Mystery Ruth Burrows
Living The Jesus Prayer Irma Zaleski
Living with God, St Teresa's concept of prayer Alvarez, Tomas F
Lord, Open My Lips -on the psalms of Morning & Evening Prayer Maher, Michael F
Love Bade Me Welcome Robert Llewellyn
Love in the Heart of the Church (The Mission of Therese of Lisieux) Christopher O'Donnell O. Carm
Love's Fugue- The finest song of all- A commentary on the Song of Songs Mother Xavier McMonagle
Lover's Quest Garcia, Maximilian Herraiz F
Marked for Life Boulding, Maria F
Mary & the Brown Scapular Hugh Clarke O Carm
Mary for Today Hans-Urs von Balthasar
Mary Mother of the Lord Karl Rahner
Mary the Contemplative Joseph Chalmers O Carm
Mary the faithful Disciple (booklet) McGreal, Wilfrid F
Mary Today (Challenging Woman, Model for Maturing Chrisitians) M Basil Pennington OCSO
Mary, Icon of the Spirit, & of the Church Durrwell, F-X F
Mary, Mirror of the Church Raniero Cantalamessa
Mary, Mother of the Church Schillebeecx F
Mary, Mother of the Lord Rahner, Karl F
Meditation for Modern Men & Women Matthew McGetrick OCD
Meditations on a theme. Metropolitan Anthony
Molchanie Catherine de Hueck Doherty
Mother of Carmel. E Allison Peers
Nightingale of God John of the Cross F
No Absent God Martin D'Arcy
Nourished by the Word - reading the Bible contemplatively Stinissen, Wilfrid F
On Living Simply - The Golden Voice of St John Chrysostom R. van de Weyer
On the road to perfection- Christian Humility in modern society George Maloney
One Bread One Body Catholic Bishops Conferences
Our Greatest Gift- A Meditation on Dying and Caring Henri J M Nouwen
Our Lady and the Church Hugo Rahner SJ
Poustinia. Catherine de Hueck Doherty
Prayer the work of the Spirit Edmee, Sr, SLG F
Praying the Beatitudes Oliva, Max F
Praying the Name of Jesus. Wilfid Stinnesen
Praying the Word of God (booklet) Dumont, Charles F
Promise of Future Glory (Reflections on the Mass) Archbishop Vincent Nichols
Psalms J H Eaton
Psalms John Eaton F
Psalms & Canticles meditations& catechesis on the psalms & canticles of Morning Prayer1 John Paul II F
Reading The Old Testament. Lawrence Boadt
Reading with God Foster, David F
Reconciliatio et Paenitentia John Paul II F
Redemptoris Mater John Paul II F
Reflections (booklet) Stein, Edith F
Reflections on the Beatitudes Tugwell, Simon F
Reflections on the Psalms Lewis, CS F
Revelations of Divine Love Mother Julian of Norwich
Saint From the Salt Mines Monk Matthew
Saint Therese of Lisieux Kathryn Harrison
School for Prayer. Metropolitan Anthony
Seasons of the Heart Matthew, Iain F
Seeds of Contemplation Thomas Merton
Seeking Purity of Heart Breault, Joseph F
Silence in Prayer & Action Sister Edmee F
Silent Pilgrimage to God- The spirituality of Charles de Foucauld A Little Brother of Jesus
Simplicity- the art of living Richard Rohr
Spe Salvi Pope Benedict XVI
Spiritual Theology Jordan Aumann O. P.
Spirituality & the Desert Experience Cummings Charles F
St John Cassian On Prayer A.M.Cassiday (translator)
St John of the Cross for Beginners Meninger, William F
St John of the Cross the saint & his teaching Ruiz, Federico F
St Teresa's Manner of Prayer Garcia, Salvador Ros F
Suffering Louis Evely
Teach us to pray F
The Art of Spiritual Reading Casey, Michael F
The Ascent of Mount Sinai- A spiritual journey in search of the living God Raniero Cantalamessa
The Beatitudes Haring ,Bernard F
The Beatitudes Hinnebusch, Paul F
The Carmelite Charism - exploring the biblical roots McCaffrey, James F
The Cloud of unknowing and other works Penguin Classics
The Conversion of Edith Stein Florent Gaboriau
The Emmaus Mystery- Discovering evidence for the risen Christ Carsten Peter Thiede
The Eucharist and our everyday life Bernard Haring
The Eucharist Yesterday and Today M. Basil Pennington
The Eucharist, Wine of Faith, Bread of Life M. Basil Pennington
The fire and the cloud- An anthology of Catholic Spirituality Ed. David A Fleming S. M.
The Fire of Divine Love J P de Caussade S. J.
The Fire of Love - praying with Therese of Lisieux McCaffrey, James F
The Genesee Diary- Report from a Trappist Monastery Henri J M Nouwen
The gift of self Heather Ward
The Good Life. Herbert McCabe
The Gospel day by day through Lent Brian Moore S.J.
The great themes of Scripture- New Testament Richard Rohr and Joseph Martos
The great themes of Scripture- Old Testament Richard Rohr and Joseph Martos
The Handmaid of the Lord Adrienne von Speyr
The Hidden Manna (A Theology of the Eucharist) James T. O'Connor
The Inner Experience. Thomas Merton
The Ladder of Perfection Walter Hilton
The Lamb's Supper Hahn, Scott F
The Lamb's Supper (The Mass as Heaven on Earth) Scott Hahn
The Little Way (The Spirituality of Therese of Lisieux Bernard Bro OP
The Living Bread Thomas Merton
The Lords Prayer Gerald O'Collins
The Love that Keeps us Sane Foley, Marc F
The Love that Never Ends: Key to the Catechism of the Catholic Church J. Augustine DiNoia and others
The loving struggle Fray Juan de los Angeles
The Making of a Doctor. Discalced Carmelites
The Mass Jean-Marie Lustiger
The Mother of Christ Caryll Houselander
The Mystery of Christmas (booklet) F
The mystery of God's word Raniero Cantalamessa
The Mysticism of the Cloud of unknowing William Johnston
The New Interpreters Bible - Volume 8. N.T. Articles, Matthw/Mark. Various
The New Interpreters Bible -Volume 9. Luke/John Various
The new Jerome Bible Handbook The Liturgical Press
The new man Thomas Merton
The Oxford Companion to the Bible Bruce M Metzger and Michael D Coogan
The Passion of the Infant Christ Caryll Houselander
The place of Christ in Liturgical Prayer J A Jungmann
The Practice of the Presence of God Brother Lawrence of the Resurrection
The Practice of the Presence of God Brother Lawrence
The Prayer of the Church (booklet) F
The Psalms; prayer book of the Bible Bonhoeffer, Dietrich F
The Reed of God Houselander, Caryll F
The reform of the renewal Benedict Groeschel C. F. R.
The return of the Prodigal son- a meditation on fathers brothers and sons Henri J M Nouwen
The Screwtape Letters C S Lewis
The Shattered Lantern Ronald Rolheiser
The Silent Call of Love A Carthusian
The Silent Way of Love A Carthusian
The Social Message of the Catholic Church  Pamphlet
The song of salvation; the Magnificat Calvi, Isidro F
The Spiritual Genius of Saint Therese of Lisieux Jean Guitton
The Trinity at Home Duncan Basil
The Way of Ecstasy (Praying with Teresa of Avila) Peter Tyler
The Way of Ecstasy - praying with Teresa of Avila Tyler, Peter F
The way of friendship Aelred of Rievaulx
The Way of Perfection Teresa of Avila
The wisdom of the desert Thomas Merton
The Woman at the Well. Adrian van Kaam
The Word is Love (The Life & Spirituality of St. Mary Magdalene de Pazzi) Jennifer Moorcroft
The wounded Healer Henri J M Nouwen
This is ecumenism. Council Document
This is the Day the Lord has made. Wilfid Stinnesen
This is the Laity - simplification of Christifideles Laici John Paul II F
Thoughts in Solitude Thomas Merton
Thoughts on the Joyful Mysteries of the Rosary Elizabeth of the Trinity F
Thoughts on the Our Father F
Titus Brandsma, Friar Against Fascism Leopold G Glueckert O Carm
To Honour Mary Pope Paul VI F
To Look on Christ - exercises in faith, hope & love Ratzinger, Joseph F
Towards a Civilisation of Love Cardinal Basil Hume
Tuning into Grace F
Two Sisters in the Spirirt, Therese of Lisieux & Elizabeth of the Trinity Hans-Urs von Balthasar
Veritatis Splendor Pope John Paul II
Waiting on God Simone Well
Walk on the Waters (Extracts on Letters on Self-Abandonment) Mother Marie-Therese
Ways of Forgiveness John C. Edwards SJ
What happens at Mass Driscoll, Jeremy F
What Happens at Mass Jeremy Driscoll, OSB
What is the point of being a Christian? Timothy Radcliffe O.P.
Where only Love can Go: A Journey into the Cloud of Unknowing. John Kirvan
Where Silence is Praise A Carthusian
Where the Spirit Breathes - prayer & action Marie-Eugene (Fr) F
Who told you that you were naked?- freedom from judgement, guilt and fear of punishment John Jacob Raub
Wind and Sea Obey Him. Robert Faricy
With Empty Hands: The Message of St. Therese of Lisieux De Meester, Conrad F
With us Today (On the Real Presence of Jesus Christ in the Eucharist) John A. Hardon, SJ
Wonderful Exchange - an exploration of silent prayer Ryrie, Alexander F
Wood of the Cradle, Wood of the Cross (The Little Way of the Infant Jesus) Caryll Houselander
World Without End A Carmelite Nun
Worshipping Community Lange, Joseph & Cushing, Anthony F
Your Presence Is My Joy! Life And Message Of Blessed Elizabeth of The Trinity De Meester, Conrad F
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